Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Standings -- March 26, 2019

  1. Giants (17-7), .708, 0 GB
  2. Mets (16-12), .571, 3.0 GB
  3. Rockies (15-13), .536, 4.0 GB
  4. Pirates (16-14), .533, 4.0 GB
  5. Athletics (10-11), .476, 5.5 GB
  6. Reds (14-17), .452, 6.5 GB
  7. Cardinals (11-15), .423, 7.0 GB
  8. Yankees (13-18), .419, 7.5 GB
  9. Red Sox (9-14), .391, 7.5 GB

Next action: Monday or Tuesday, April 1 or 2, at the Commissioner's. Stay tuned for further details. Let's roll 'em!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Another Redwood SOM Season kicks off with the Bodega Bay extravaganza!

  1. Giants (17-7), .708, 0 GB
  2. Mets (15-10), .600, 2.5 GB
  3. Rockies (13-11), .542, 4.0 GB
  4. Athletics (10-11), .476, 5.5 GB
  5. Reds (13-15), .464, 6.0 GB
  6. Pirates (12-14), .462, 6.0 GB
  7. Yankees (12-15), .444, 6.5 GB
  8. Cardinals (11-15), .423, 7.0 GB
  9. Red Sox (9-14), .250, 7.5 GB

Those are the standings after another fabulous Redwood SOM Draft Weekend!

First, our 2017 champion Athletics presented the Chico Escuela Trophy to our 2018 World Champion, the Pirates:

And now the 2019 season is under way! First out of the gate are the Giants, who earned the Bodega Curse colors by posting a record of 17-7 on the weekend. But many teams are right on their heels, with the Mets, Rockies, Athletics, Pirates and Reds all within six games of them. Meanwhile the Red Sox pause to take stock of a tough start to the young season.

Great time, as always!

Next action: Nothing scheduled right now. Let's roll 'em!


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Practicing insurance and employee benefits law and consumer law in Santa Rosa, California. See my full profile at Justia.